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Half-day Symposium & the launch of the Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts


Three people looking at a laptop on a desk

Thursday October 13 2022 from 1pm onwards STEAMhouse, Birmingham City University

The Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts (CEDIA) is an exciting initiative at Birmingham City University (BCU) that works with University staff, students and external organisations to connect, facilitate and amplify work on equality, diversity and inclusion. CEDIA has partnered with Creative Alliance, the leading creative apprenticeship providers and Lead with Advantage, a diverse leadership development initiative co-curated and delivered by consultants Lara Ratnaraja and Helga Henry, to present a symposium before their evening launch event. We would like you to join us for a thought-provoking afternoon and chance to meet with peers and experts in the inspiring new surroundings of STEAMhouse (BCU’s unique innovation centre, inspiring knowledge exchange collaboration between the arts, science, technology, engineering and maths (STEAM)).

Symposium: “Equity and equality:The myth of inclusion in the Cultural sector”

As new data from ACE show the reluctance of the sector to truly embrace diversity across ethnicity, gender identity, sexuality, disability, there continues to be a marked disparity between the sector and the city it purports to represent.

This mini symposium addresses both ends of the ecology - those individuals wishing to enter or at mid-career and also arts organisations and institutions. We want to move beyond the binary and look at how we create inclusive conditions which can develop and morph as the sector continues to become more diverse post pandemic. We will look at the nature of exclusion, what experience of it looks like and how we dismantle and address systemic bias and inequity to develop a sector that reflects the diversity of Birmingham.

As the structures aren’t fit for purpose what do we need to dismantle to move beyond tokenism, black squares and signing pledges? How do we make this work inclusive, generous and abundant?

With a Keynote “in conversation” session and 2 x panels chaired by Noel Dunne, MD of Creative Alliance and Lara Ratnaraja, Co-producer of Lead With AD:Vantage. Panellists include Shekinah Yuhanna, Digital Marketing Coordinator-FABRIC, Muna Ahmed Radio Producer and Dr Karen Patel, Research Fellow & Director of CEDIA – with more speakers to announce shortly. Noel’s panel will explore what can the sector do to make inclusive working environments the norm? Using recent Creative Alliance research on this issue, we will uncover the barriers people have faced and consider the opportunities to change this? Lara’s panel will focus on diversity and leadership in the Cultural Sector. We ask what actions can we take to support diverse leadership and how can we work collectively to create a new form of inclusive working environments?

If you are seeking to find answers to these questions for your organisation, we urge you to join us and move the conversation forward.

The shape of the day is as follows:

1pm- 2pm Lunch and Networking 2pm – 5.30pm Symposium including refreshment break 5.30 onwards – Launch of the Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts

Venue: STEAMhouse, Birmingham City University, Cardigan Street, Birmingham, B4 7BD

Full details to follow and find out more when you click to book on the link here

Please note that this event is in person only and will not be streamed. The event will be BSL interpreted and your booking will allow you to flag up any other access needs that you may have.

This event is a collaboration between Lead with AD:Vantage and Creative Alliance. It is funded through the Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts

To Book: Equity and equality: The myth of inclusion in the Cultural sector- book HERE

Please note that the Eventbrite page is for booking the Symposium ONLY – you are warmly invite to join the CEDIA launch afterwards. We will ask you for your dietary preferences in the booking. Please note that we may share some data (anonymously - numbers, dietary prefs and access needs) with our partners at CEDIA in order to deliver this joint event.

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